Stop Getting Hacked: How PistachioFi Handles Security

Stop Getting Hacked: How PistachioFi Handles Security

Stop Getting Hacked: How PistachioFi Handles Security

Stop Getting Hacked: How PistachioFi Handles Security

May 22, 2024

a steel pistachio that perfectly represents our robust security measures. This image symbolizes how we keep your assets secure and inaccessible to unauthorized users.

At PistachioFi, security isn’t just a priority—it’s our mission. Here’s how we ensure your cryptoassets are protected:

Eliminating Seed Phrases

We’ve done away with seed phrases due to their poor user experience. Instead, users sign up with an email or SMS (we suggest email, or a burner/hidden email for further security). We employ a One-Time Password (OTP) for account creation and sign-ins, removing the phishing risk associated with permanent passwords.

Secure Private Key Storage & Recovery

Your private key is stored in your device’s secure enclave, guaranteeing only you can access your funds. Using Multiparty Computation (MPC), we split your key into encrypted shards. One half is saved to your cloud account, and the other to our encrypted database. Even if one shard is somehow compromised and decrypted, it’s useless without the other half.

Independent Passwords & Biometrics

Your cloud account password is separate from your email or phone number, adding another security layer. Face ID is required for account creation and access, providing an additional security measure.

Data Encryption

All user data, including emails and phone numbers, is encrypted on our database. In the event of a hack, the information would not be visible to the hacker.

Email and Phone Search Hidden by Default

Users create a unique username for transfers. By default, username search is enabled, while email and phone number searches are disabled (although can be enabled in settings).

Frontrun Protection

When interacting with the Ethereum Mainnet, all transactions are safeguarded from MEV with built-in front-run protection, ensuring you’re safe from arbitrage bots.

Preventing Wallet Drains

At launch, PistachioFi cannot connect to external applications, preventing malicious connections. We’re developing an embedded wallet connect solution that includes domain whitelists/blacklists, transaction simulations, and manual confirmations for suspicious transactions.

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to providing a secure user experience and preventing our users from falling victim to hackers. At PistachioFi, protecting your nut is our mission.

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© 2024 Pistachio FI Inc.

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Pistachio is a software platform ONLY and does not conduct any independent diligence on or substantive review of any blockchain asset, digital currency, cryptocurrency or associated funds. Users are fully and solely responsible for evaluating your investments, for determining whether you will swap blockchain assets based on your own, and for all your decisions as to whether to swap blockchain assets with the Pistachio in app swap feature. In many cases, blockchain assets you swap on the basis of your research may not increase in value and may decrease in value. Similarly, blockchain assets you swap on the basis of your research may increase in value after your swap. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Any investment in blockchain assets involves the risk of loss of part or all of your investment. The value of the blockchain assets you swap is subject to market and other investment risks.

Pistachio users are responsible for storing their recovery phrase in their personal cloud. If the recovery phrase is lost, the user might not be able to retrieve their private keys.Because the Software is locally installed, you are responsible for the security of the device on which it is installed, including ensuring that you keep anti-virus software current and otherwise protect the device on which the Software is installed against malware. Pistachio is not responsible for any loss or damages – including loss of funds or lockout from accounts accessed via the Software – resulting from your failure to keep the device on which the Software is installed safe and free of any malware. Pistachio cannot recover passwords or unlock account information stored on the Software in any circumstances, including if the Software is compromised by malware on your computer, and it is your sole responsibility to take all reasonable precautions to secure and backup your copy of the Software and the information stored on it.

We make no warranties or representations, express or implied, about any linked third-party materials available on the Pistachio, the third parties they are owned and operated by, the information contained on them or the suitability of their products or services. You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any third-party websites, applications, or resources.

Pistachio does not provide investment or financial advice or consulting services. We are solely the provider of the non-custodial wallet and we do not advise or make recommendations about engaging in digital asset transactions or operations. Decisions to engage in transactions or perform operations involving digital assets should be taken on your own accord.

© 2024 Pistachio FI Inc.

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Pistachio is a software platform ONLY and does not conduct any independent diligence on or substantive review of any blockchain asset, digital currency, cryptocurrency or associated funds. Users are fully and solely responsible for evaluating your investments, for determining whether you will swap blockchain assets based on your own, and for all your decisions as to whether to swap blockchain assets with the Pistachio in app swap feature. In many cases, blockchain assets you swap on the basis of your research may not increase in value and may decrease in value. Similarly, blockchain assets you swap on the basis of your research may increase in value after your swap. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Any investment in blockchain assets involves the risk of loss of part or all of your investment. The value of the blockchain assets you swap is subject to market and other investment risks.

Pistachio users are responsible for storing their recovery phrase in their personal cloud. If the recovery phrase is lost, the user might not be able to retrieve their private keys.Because the Software is locally installed, you are responsible for the security of the device on which it is installed, including ensuring that you keep anti-virus software current and otherwise protect the device on which the Software is installed against malware. Pistachio is not responsible for any loss or damages – including loss of funds or lockout from accounts accessed via the Software – resulting from your failure to keep the device on which the Software is installed safe and free of any malware. Pistachio cannot recover passwords or unlock account information stored on the Software in any circumstances, including if the Software is compromised by malware on your computer, and it is your sole responsibility to take all reasonable precautions to secure and backup your copy of the Software and the information stored on it.

We make no warranties or representations, express or implied, about any linked third-party materials available on the Pistachio, the third parties they are owned and operated by, the information contained on them or the suitability of their products or services. You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any third-party websites, applications, or resources.

Pistachio does not provide investment or financial advice or consulting services. We are solely the provider of the non-custodial wallet and we do not advise or make recommendations about engaging in digital asset transactions or operations. Decisions to engage in transactions or perform operations involving digital assets should be taken on your own accord.

© 2024 Pistachio FI Inc.

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Pistachio is a software platform ONLY and does not conduct any independent diligence on or substantive review of any blockchain asset, digital currency, cryptocurrency or associated funds. Users are fully and solely responsible for evaluating your investments, for determining whether you will swap blockchain assets based on your own, and for all your decisions as to whether to swap blockchain assets with the Pistachio in app swap feature. In many cases, blockchain assets you swap on the basis of your research may not increase in value and may decrease in value. Similarly, blockchain assets you swap on the basis of your research may increase in value after your swap. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Any investment in blockchain assets involves the risk of loss of part or all of your investment. The value of the blockchain assets you swap is subject to market and other investment risks.

Pistachio users are responsible for storing their recovery phrase in their personal cloud. If the recovery phrase is lost, the user might not be able to retrieve their private keys.Because the Software is locally installed, you are responsible for the security of the device on which it is installed, including ensuring that you keep anti-virus software current and otherwise protect the device on which the Software is installed against malware. Pistachio is not responsible for any loss or damages – including loss of funds or lockout from accounts accessed via the Software – resulting from your failure to keep the device on which the Software is installed safe and free of any malware. Pistachio cannot recover passwords or unlock account information stored on the Software in any circumstances, including if the Software is compromised by malware on your computer, and it is your sole responsibility to take all reasonable precautions to secure and backup your copy of the Software and the information stored on it.

We make no warranties or representations, express or implied, about any linked third-party materials available on the Pistachio, the third parties they are owned and operated by, the information contained on them or the suitability of their products or services. You acknowledge sole responsibility for and assume all risk arising from your use of any third-party websites, applications, or resources.

Pistachio does not provide investment or financial advice or consulting services. We are solely the provider of the non-custodial wallet and we do not advise or make recommendations about engaging in digital asset transactions or operations. Decisions to engage in transactions or perform operations involving digital assets should be taken on your own accord.